Trees & Plants Available for Spring 2022

Tree & plant orders can be made here via our online ordering system, with payment and pickup in-person at Wild Mountain Farm in Greene, Maine on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday of each week. (details will be sent by email after you order).

***We do not ship trees; orders are for in-person pick up only.***

Our trees are graded into three categories, and priced accordingly:

  • Grade 1. Trees are 4-7′ tall, often with some side branches (feathered) and an extensive root system. These are prime-quality trees. $35/tree.
  • Grade 2. Trees are 2.5-4′ tall, usually a “whip” (no side branching). Very nice trees, just on the smaller side. $25/tree.

Types of trees & plants available (click on links to see a list of each type):

Pears, Asian
Pears, European

All available plants:
